08 April

Stress Awareness Month

Podcast episodes about stress and burnout

April has been Stress Awareness Month every year since 1992 in an attempt to raise public awareness about the impact that stress can have, and potential methods of dealing with stress.

On our podcast, Illuminating Primary Care, we invite a new expert guest in the primary care industry to share their knowledge and experiences.

We’ve put together a selection of episodes dealing with the topics of stress and burnout:

How Big a Problem is Stress and Burnout?

Ciaran Fletcher is joined by Dr. Farnaaz Sharief MBE, to discuss stress and burnout in healthcare. They discuss:

  • Signs of burnout in yourself
  • Signs of burnout in your colleagues
  • Tips and advice for dealing with these issues


Farnaaz shared some breathing techniques she recommended for alleviating stress. Here are the links to the techniques:

The Stresses of Being a GP

We are joined by Dr. Clara Doran, a former GP who is focused on helping everyday folk, including GPs, take better care of themselves and cope with the stresses of daily life. We discuss:

  • Micro breaks and the importance of sleep
  • Pressures on GPs
  • Brain health

Burnout: A GP Crisis

Matthew Okey is joined by Dr. Jo Davies to discuss her experience dealing with stress and burnout. They talk about:

  • Jo’s personal experience with burnout
  • How Jo managed to cope
  • Advice for other GPs

Are GPs Happy in Their Jobs?

Ciaran Fletcher is joined by Dr. Sally Hambly to discuss her work in coaching doctors to make career decisions which put their wellbeing at the centre. Topics include:

  • Sunk cost fallacy & pressures of a new role
  • Imposter syndrome in primary care
  • Criticism of doctors from patients and the public

Do you have some more insight you’d like to share on this topic?

If you’re working in primary care and you’d like to share your knowledge, experiences, or advice, we’d love to have you on our podcast! Let us know on our contact form here.



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