How many times has your practice struggled to fill a vacancy?

We lost one of our vets and had found our normal ways of recruiting through Vet Times, personal recommendations, and Facebook weren't working. We wanted to try a new and different approach, and we found this service a refreshing option.
We went from having no candidates at all, to interview three really strong candidates who are very relevant to our practice. That was quite novel because I thought we were just never going to find anybody!
Using a headhunting service is a new experience to us, but I have been wowed by the whole process, from the level of communication throughout, to the calibre of candidates put forward.
For us, this was a great way of standing out and effectively communicating our unique selling points as a practice. The level of detail provided to the candidates about us could not be communicated in an online advert. It has allowed us to not waste time on unsuitable or inexperienced vets who are not right for our practice, and spend quality time with candidates.
They were very quickly able to gain an understanding of our business, which was really refreshing and clearly down to their experience. They got us straight away and realised what type of candidates we'd be looking for.

Practice Owner - Barnsley

I had started putting some feelers out, advertising for vets, and using traditional recruitment methods, and found very few vets wanting to be a Clinical Lead, which made me think this was going to be much harder than I thought it would be. As time went on, I realised I was going to have to work quite hard to find this person, which would take significant time away from running the practice, and realised this was probably going to require investment, especially for this particular position (Clinical Director) in the location we're in (Lincolnshire), so I realised I needed help.
Everything went well throughout the process! We had good communication, good discussions about things, your history and relationships with people is very beneficial and is unique compared to recruitment agencies. You're far more detailed on the whole. I can't think of anything I would say that would enhance the process.
Meeting headhunted candidates was interesting, as I always knew they were more interested as they had been through a process with you. There's more of a keenness from the candidate compared to the average candidate because of that, and I'm willing to put in more time and energy knowing they aren't attending 20 other interviews. You have a sophisticated filtration process and that saves me a lot of time and money.

Practice Owner - Lincolnshire

Why else are we better than our competitors?

Reputation & testimony

  • Menlo Park has been named on the Recruiters HOT100 list
  • We have hundreds more written testimonials from practices than anywhere
  • We have dozens more video testimonials than anywhere else
  • We have the highest rated and highest volume of Google Reviews
  • More practices use our services than anyone else


  • We are specialists within the Veterinary industry
  • We understand the Veterinary industry in intricate detail, adding value to the recruitment process
  • We have the largest network in the sector

Full market coverage

  • We are able to source candidates for Veterinary Surgeons, Lead Vets, Clinical Directors, Senior Veterinary Surgeons, Veterinary Nurses.


  • We’re human and we treat you as humans
  • We’re not here to make a quick buck and run away, we look after the practices we work with

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