28 August

Primary Care News – Friday 28th August

GP Practices to ‘Level up’

An initiative has been created to help GP Practices in Hartlepool to “level up” following on from results of a patient survey.

The initiative will ensure that patients receive the highest standards of service across the region.

Ciaran at Menlo Park said of the plans “This is a positive step. It means that surgeries aren’t just left with their patient survey results and are incentivized to improve them!”

Read the full article below

GP Practices to level up

GPs ‘gut feelings’ help diagnosis

We covered an article that describes how GPs often use their ‘gut feelings’ to diagnose patients issues. The article focuses on predicting if someone has cancer. GPs instinct at detection, has been shown to result in a higher number of cancer diagnosis.

Andrew at Menlo Park commented “I think the article highlights why Matt Hancock’s ‘Zoom First’ policy is going to have major negative implications when it comes to the identification of serious diseases.

You don’t get the same range of physical cues over a video call, that you do in person. Cancer is one important example, and I think Mental Health is another. How many people go to GP surgeries with something that has manifest itself physically, only for a GP to pick up on other cues that it could be Mental.

There could also be physical indicators that a GP misses out on, that you can’t see over video, but that you would pick up in person. There needs to be a very careful balance.”

What are your thoughts? Read the article here

Healthy Living Centre for Radstock

A new healthy living centre called ‘The Hope House’ will be opening in Radstock, bringing the town extended GP services, including minor operations, chronic disease management and family planning. It is expected to open by Autumn 2021.

Georgina at Menlo Park, said “That looks brilliant! Lovely area and so many excellent services that will be offered. Nice to see that the organisations that are helping to fund this have put their money to such a great use!”

Read the full article here

Our expertise and unique approach

We have received some fantastic feedback from a practice we have worked with. At Menlo Park, our priority when working with practices, is to understand their needs. Understanding the practices we work with means we fully understand their plans. We understand their ethos and their needs. We use this knowledge, and we find them the perfect clinician to add to their team.

Here is the feedback we have received from a Practice Manager we worked with:

“I cannot recommend Ciaran and the Menlo Park team highly enough for their support with hiring a highly specialised role for Amwell Group Practice.

Their detailed brief of the role, understanding of the culture of the practice and their tenacity in their search process enabled us to find the perfect candidate for our team’.

We simply could not have done this without them.”


If you would like any help or advice with recruiting a GP, Nurse, or Allied Health professional to your practice, call us today on: 0113 350 1308. Or email [email protected]

Are you are a GP, Nurse or Allied Health professional? Contact us today and let us guide you towards your next perfect position. Search our vacancies here

We look forward to hearing from you!

Have a great bank holiday!



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