20 November

Primary Care News – Friday 20th November

Primary Care News round Up


COVID and Mental Health

At the start of the week we highlighted a news article from Nursing in Practice. This story highlighted the issues surrounding mental health and the pandemic. The study looks at the relation between people who have been diagnosed with the virus, and their subsequent issues with mental health. For example, 18.1% of those studied who had contracted the virus, had anxiety, depression or insomnia within three months.

Mental Health heart


Study into ‘Long COVID’

We shared the news that the NHS will be setting up 40 ‘Long COVID’ clinics within the coming weeks. As a result,the NHS will bring staff together to tackle this issue. Consequently will mean that 60,000 people in the UK who are thought to suffer from this, will have help; this introduction of specialists clinics are much needed and will hopefully help with the diagnosis and treatment of this.


Call for Nurses!

The campaign, ‘We are the NHS’ campaign, this aims to encourage more people to apply for nursing degrees. The NHS want to add t their 1.2 million strong work force with more nurses, midwives, paramedics, and other health care workers.

Mark Radford, The Chief Nurse of Health Education England, says “Growing the healthcare workforce is key to ensuring patients and the public have high-quality, safe care.”


New help for young people with eating disorders

The NHS have announced there is to be new help for young people suffering with anorexia and bulimia. In addition, they plan to ‘scale up’ their early intervention service which will help 18-25 year olds. Moreover, this will be rolled out across 18 sites across the country and will bring much needed help and support to those suffering with these problems.



We have won an award! The award is for the 2021 Global Excellence Award for ‘The Most Outstanding Primary Care Recruitment Company in the UK’!

Certainly, this truly emphasises the amazing work that we do at Menlo Park. Congratulations to our entire team for all their hard work and dedication!

We will feature the article detailing our win and featuring some insights from our directors.Award certificate


Contact us on: 0113 350 1308 for help with your Primary Care Career!

We look forward to speaking with you soon!



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