11 December

Primary Care and NHS News from the last week

Read the NHS and Primary Care news highlights from this week


Vaccinations begin!

This week saw the start of the COVID vaccinations in the UK. The UK has been the first country in the world to begin the vaccinations. NHS England have confirmed that people aged 80 and over, care home workers and NHS workers in high risk group will be the first to receive the vaccine.

There are set to be 50 hubs across the UK, that will be administering the vaccinations. This is fantastic news for our country and the world as a whole.


Paramedics to help with Flu vaccinations

Paramedics in London, have been placed in GP surgeries, to help out with flu vaccinations this winter. This has been done to reduce the pressures GPs are facing and will be facing as we go into the next year with the COVID vaccination programme.

Victoria of Menlo Park commented: “This makes complete sense! The vaccination programme will put lots of pressure onto GP practices, so having extra qualified hands on deck to support this means less burn out and a speedy more streamlined process!”

Matthew added “If it’s feasible then it’s a good, common sense idea. Since becoming common-place in primary care, Paramedics have done a brilliant of job of easing the workload on GPs, seeing patients both in the surgery and in their homes, reducing the need for GPs to do as many home visits. With GPs tied down with their routine clinics and the Covid vaccine, this pilot seems like pretty sensible stuff.”

Read more here


Apple Watch Winner!

We picked one lucky person from all the entries to our GP Survey to be the winner of an Apple Watch this week. The lucky person was GP, Aida, who gave the watch to her husband as a present!

Our GP survey will be available in the next few months, and we look forward to sharing the results with you!

Apple Watch winner


If you want to chat about how we can help you with your Primary Care career; just give us a call today, on 0113 350 1308. Or you can email us at [email protected].

We look forward to speaking to you!



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