34mins 2secs

19 July

Holistic Treatments: Lifestyle and Mind-Body Medicine

In this fascinating episode of the Illuminating Primary Care podcast, Ciaran Fletcher is joined by Dr. Anna Smith, an NHS and Holistic GP. Dr. Anna Smith explains what she does as a Certified Lifestyle Physician, as well as her work as a Mind-Body Practitioner. She provides tips and advice for preventing various chronic illnesses through lifestyle changes, as well as explaining the links between our bodies and minds.

27mins 36secs

08 June

Taking Care of Your Mental Health – Top 10 Tips to Prevent Burnout

In this episode of the Illuminating Primary Care podcast, Alexa Makaafi is joined by GP Dr Karen Forshaw, and Chartered Physiotherapist and Psychotherapist Chrissie Mowbray. They formed 'Resilient Practice' to teach evidence-based tools and techniques for maintaining wellbeing and resilience to all. Karen and Chrissie discuss with Alexa the issues of stress and burnout for healthcare workers, and offer their top 10 tips for how to prevent burnout and stay resilient.

12mins 19secs

11 December

Tekihealth Solutions – The new start-up business helping make remote consultation work easier and more accessible to GP’s and practices in the UK

We speak to Dr Stephen Katebe, Director and co-founder of Tekihealth Solutions, who explains why and how Tekihealth Solutions came about and the benefits of leasing his software to GPs and practices in the UK.

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