New Position available in Cornwall for a Salaried GP
This week we have highlighted a great role we have for a Salaried GP, or GP Partner to join a brilliant practice in South East Cornwall. Matthew can tell you all about the role if you are interested in learning more or thinking of applying.
View the job description here
Salaried GP / GP Partner , South East Cornwall
NHS People Plan 2020/21
The “We are the NHS: the People Plan for 2020/21” has been published. The plan outlines actions the HEE and NHS England will take, which includes investing in an additional 250 foundation year 2 posts.
This will enable doctors filling them to support the pipeline into General Practice, amongst other areas.
Patrick at Menlo Park, says this is “an encouraging sign that HEE are investing in areas such as Mental Health, which have historically had very long waiting lists for their services”.
Matthew added “It’s great that important steps like these are being made, here’s hoping there are many more positive ones to come”
What are your thoughts on this? What do you think the most beneficial inclusion is?
Primary Care Networks
NHS England have advised Primary Care Networks to “start delivering structured medication reviews earlier than planned as part of a national drive to return non-COVID-19 health services to near-normal levels”
The team at Menlo Park had this to say. Georgina said in response to this announcement “I think this is something that will be a struggle with the restrictions still in place! However, is something that is crucial and needs to start moving along as the repercussions could be fatal if we stick to the ways of working at the moment”
Ciaran also added, “This makes a lot of sense. The UK is expecting a second-wave of Covid-19 to hit before the winter months, so it seems logical to make the most of a window of opportunity like this!”
How we can help you
We’re here to help you find your next perfect role. We will offer advice, information, and guide you through the whole process. If you’re a GP, Nurse or Allied Health professional; feel free to contact us today for an informal chat on: 0113 350 1308. We can find you your next role anywhere in the UK.
Our team frequently receives brilliant feedback from clinicians they have helped. If you’re a Practice Nurse in the South of England, Ciaran will be helping you every step of the way. Feel free to call him, or email him at: [email protected]