Pride Month 2020
This month was the start of Pride Month 2020. Throughout the month we will be highlighting stories and articles to celebrate Pride. The month is dedicated to celebrating the LGBTQ+ communities all around the world.
Organisers of Brighton Pride have announced that its 2021 parade will have the theme “Over the Rainbow”. This will celebrate the NHS and frontline workers.
COVID19 and its impact on the NHS environment
At the start of the week we looked at an article that had been written about how COVID19, and how it is changing the NHS customer environment.
The article points out the areas effected are and will be “NHS structure, organisation and integration, NHS finance and budgeting, long-term conditions management, the NHS’s relationship with the private sector, changes to care pathways, NHS digital transformation, acute care reconfiguration and of course industry engagement”
It is almost impossible to speculate about the impact this pandemic will have on hospitals and Primary Care. As a result, we will almost certainly emerge from this with a different looking healthcare system. We will have learnt along the way, and we can hopefully apply new and positive changes to the NHS and patient care.
Humanitarian crisis in Yemen
The government will be sending £160 million to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Dominic Raab says this “will mean the difference between life and death for thousands of Yemenis who now also face the threat of coronavirus. Our support will help ensure families can feed themselves and access clean water and medical care”
The article mentions the shocking figures. “nearly a quarter of Yemen’s districts have no doctors and only half of the country’s health facilities are still functional, with 20 million people lacking any access to medical care.”
Concerns for patients as GP appointments drop in Preston
The Royal college of GPs has expressed a concern for Patients. This follows the results that GP appointments have dropped in the Preston area.
Andrew Dean, Director of Menlo Park, features on ‘The Recruitment Rollercoaster Podcast’
Our very own Director, Andrew, has been featured in a podcast with Hishem Azzouz. Andrew talks us through his University education, how he started working in the world of recruitment and how he started his own business and created Menlo Park Recruitment.
Watch or listen to the full podcast below
Apple Podcasts:
You Tube:
Black Lives Matter
This week has seen the murder of George Floyd by Police Officers in the United States. Millions of people stand in solidarity with obtaining #Justiceforgeorgefloyd and all of us at Menlo Park do too. The time for silence has passed and our anger lead us into action.
White people keep a privilege that is often unnoticed in ourselves. Menlo Park strives to recognise our unconscious bias and to correct it. We strive to embrace diversity. We will recognise our privilege. All of humanity must learn and must educate themselves on why black lives matter.
Listen to black people and hear their stories. It is not enough to not be racist – we must be actively anti-racist. We stand with you.
Here is a link to many deserving fundraisers, that have been set up to support families and to bail out protesters who have been arrested for supporting the Black Lives Matter movement.
If you would like to read our previous week in review, click on the below link. Here you can read team news, Primary Care, General Practice and NHS news.