21 November

Menlo Park Veterinary’s Top 5 Tips for Self-Care

Why is self-care important for veterinary professionals?

The veterinary industry attracts people with a drive to help others, as well as high levels of compassion and empathy. These traits enable veterinary professionals to experience ‘compassion satisfaction’, but this can take its toll personally and professionally over time.

It’s inevitable that you’ll have repeated exposure to very sensitive cases, traumatic events and euthanasia, as well as occupational demands, compassion fatigue or burnout can occur. Taking care of yourself is important for you to be able to serve and care for others, and maintain the highest standards of care and compassion in the workplace.

#1 Start Your Day Right

“Run the day, or the day runs you.” – Jim Rohn 

Your day is pretty much formed by how you spend your first hour. Here are some ideas on the best ways to start your day:

Upon waking, take just a couple of minutes to think (or write down) what you are grateful for. Practising gratitude reduces stress hormones and improves mood, among other benefits. Don’t reach for your phone. Give yourself an hour of tech-free time to ensure you start your day from a place of inner peace. Meditate. For 1 minute or 15 minutes, whatever time you have. It encourages a moment of mindfulness and can help ground your feelings and emotions to help you manage the challenges of your day.


#2 Put Yourself in Your Diary

“You can’t pour from an empty cup”. 

Block off some time in your diary in advance and make it non-negotiable and non-movable. This could be a 30 minute slot every day, or a whole day every month. Lack of time to yourself can cause you to build up resentment that can harm both you and your relationships. Taking ‘you’ time gives you the opportunity to refresh and re-energise. It allows you to think more clearly and make better decisions.


#3 Nourish Yourself

Refuel your body with food and water to keep you feeling energised and able to concentrate throughout the day.  Eat mindfully by listening to your body and stopping when you are full. Try not to multi-task, try single-tasking and just eating, with no screens or distractions.


#4 Use Positive Language and Self Talk

Pay attention to what you say to yourself, about yourself. It’s easy to self-criticise, but self-criticism is simply an old thought pattern. When you catch yourself saying or thinking something bad about yourself, take a moment to write it down. Ask yourself – “would I say this to a friend?” The answer is probably ‘no’. Take a moment to re-frame the negative into a positive.



#5 Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

“A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it, it just blooms” – Zen Shin 

It’s OK to look at others and identify things they are good at, but don’t use it to define yourself. It doesn’t move you farther ahead, improve your situation, or help you find peace. It just feeds your shame, fuels your feelings of inadequacy and ultimately, it keeps you stuck.

There is no one correct path in life. Everyone has their own unique journey.



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