We are at the start of a brand new week and as a team, we have been working from home for two and a half weeks now. We left the office not really knowing when we would be back, and we still don’t really know. What we do know however, is that we will be back, and that’s what we’re looking ahead to.
Reflecting on the past two weeks we can assess what we’ve learned. This situation is the first of its kind to have happened to us in our lifetimes. From any big event, or momentous situation there will always be negatives and positives you can find. We are choosing now to look at the positives. These might have crept up on you without you realising, others might have been more of a struggle to think of, but they are there, you’ve just got to look for them.
What positives have we gained from this? Have you found more time to do something that just didn’t seem possible before? Learned how to manage your anxiety and stress levels, or new ways of dealing with this, such as meditation? Realised what’s most important to you throughout all this, like simply being able to pop over to a friend’s house for a coffee, or visiting your parents or siblings?
Once this is all over, just how grateful will you feel at the sight of a full shelf in the supermarket, or being able to be amongst crowds again. We react positively to human contact. When we hug someone, the hormone Oxytocin is released which can actually reduce our stress levels. With this now denied to many of us, is one of the positives you could gain from this, realising the simple joy of a hug?
It has been said (by the Dalai Lama), that by recognising the suffering of people all over the world, and by you focusing on having compassion, this can help your own suffering to be eased.
We have been speaking to the team to find out their thoughts, and what they are finding positives in.
We will appreciate life so much more when this is over, hopefully not just in the short-term but in the long-term. We probably all took so much for granted, like being able to go out and buy food whenever we want, and seeing family members and friends too, and small things like not having to cross the road when you see another human!
It is possible to work from home, even if not preferred as a full-time option, but this will create flexibility in the workplace and more people will work from home more often as employers see that it’s possible. This should actually have a huge impact on the environment with reduced commuting, even if each person just did one work from home day each week.
I think this whole thing has made me better at blocking out distractions in general. It’s quite easy to get pulled away from work at home. Boundaries sometimes being blurred, but it’s something I’ve definitely improved at over the past 2-3 weeks.
I have learned that I can cope working from home. Establishing a new routine and sticking to it. Also knowing that what we are doing is in itself making a positive difference to people’s lives, is a great motivator. We are incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to be able to work from home, as many don’t. I’m thankful to my directors that they have made this possible and have done everything they can to ensure we can all work remotely.
I hope to be able to take from this, an appreciation for the little things, such as being fortunate enough to be able to buy food. It’s made me appreciate just how lucky we are generally. Also, before all this how little we really had to worry about in the grand scheme of things.
I have also learned that it’s ok to be worried about things, and to be upset, but also how to recognise these moments and to manage your emotions effectively.
In the past I have also taken seeing my friends and family for granted. Once it’s taken away from you, it really brings home just how important our relationships are.
My garden has been attended to, which is a miracle for me!
Although I have nothing to gauge it on, I feel I have learned to be more independent faster than if I was surrounded by people in an office to ask. Made me think for myself! So that is rewarding for me and the business.
I think its lovely to see the camaraderie continue on the group chat/videos, that we all help support, encourage and inspire each other still, maybe more because we all get to share in every moment.
I love how everyone is embracing technology and utilising it in creative ways. From Screen sharing and video group chats for business, to zoom calls my mum now uses to craft all day with her craft friends!! She didn’t even know how to video chat on WhatsApp with one person before this!!! That’s how much she loves to craft with others hehe
I really appreciate all the small things now so much more. Like the ability to get a slot for my online shop, to popping out to see friends whenever I want.
I know that so many people I talk to are really enjoying the time with their family, no pressure to do anything or go anywhere. Everyone in the house at the same time at mealtimes etc..
People are opening up and reaching out more for help and support instead of hiding it away, which is always good.
I know we all realise we need a lot less than we thought we did. Prioritising the things that really light us up and letting go of the unwanted. I hope that people will think twice before filling their precious time back up with useless things like timewasting people or activities. I hope we all move from this with a more open perspective and to be more discerning with our choices.
I was speaking with a Nurse working from home and doing telephone/video triage and she did say what we can take from this whole situation is we are still going and that the online triage is working and reassuring that should we ever find ourselves in this situation again we know we can do it!
Definitely the effect of positive reinforcement and encouragement.
I really liked the good news alerts people keep doing, it hammers home that we’re all still being effective and that our efforts are recognised by our peers despite being trapped in our own four walls!
I have learnt / am doing differently, that I can work at home effectively / efficiently but do enjoy being in the office surrounded by you guys!
That Andy and James are doing everything to ensure we are safe, able to continue working with all the relevant tools ie. we work for a good Company
Restructuring the way I do things to adapt whilst training Juliette – we have a very positive working relationship – mixture of messaging / phone calls
Always appreciate what we have in terms of family, friends, employment – don’t take things for granted
Things can be rescheduled (Birthday Parties, Nights out etc) – feeling this because I know someone who has a very sick child and its going to be very sad when they have to have the funeral (sorry not very positive) but makes me reflect and not moan about the situation – there is always someone worse off than you – so in a way having positive thoughts and keeping out the negative ones.