22 September

Nursing & Allied Health Jobs in Oldham

View our Exclusive Nursing & Allied health jobs in Oldham

Are you looking for a new role in Greater Manchester? We have some excellent Practice nurse jobs and Advanced Nurse Practitioner jobs available.

We have listed some of our top roles below, but if you would like to view more roles, click here to be taken to all our roles! You can apply only, or contact us for a chat. If you would like to speak to us about a role in more detail, contact us using our form here.

Facts about Greater Manchester

  • On the 1st of April 1974, Greater Manchester was officially formed and the ten boroughs, which had formally been part of Cheshire and Lancashire, became one.
  • Greater Manchester has the highest number of theatre seats per head of population outside London.
  • Art, tourism, culture and sport provide 16% of employment in Greater Manchester.

Sounds like a great place to live right? So, whether you are looking for a new challenge or you’re looking for a role closer to home, we have the roles that you’re looking for! If you’re relocating to Oldham, we can help. If you are in the process of relocating, contact us and we can help you to arrange a new role in your new home!

Speak to us about your next Nursing Job

When you contact us you will be speaking with Arbaz. You can connect with Arbaz on LinkedIn, where you can stay up to date with all the latest roles in your area. Click here to connect with Arbaz.



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