84% of Clinicians say that their practice does not have measures in place to support staff going through the menopause
Menopause support
Our nationwide survey showed that 84% of clinicians do not have measures in place at their practice, to support staff who are going through the menopause.
With the average age of people who are menopausal, being 45-55, this is a large proportion of the Primary Care workforce.
Of the clinicians that do have access to support, there were some great examples; including the use of ‘Menopause leads’, to support and guide anyone looking for help at work. There were also examples of counselling being available to staff, links to helpful resources and practical help such as fans and air conditioning.
Another great example was having an open-door policy, where people are encouraged to be able to speak freely and honestly within the practice, which in many situations can drastically improve the wellbeing of the staff going through this stage in life.
The clinicians who were not receiving additional benefits, expressed an interest in access to regular breaks, increased flexibility in working patterns (if needed) and a culture that promoted conversations around this topic, so people felt more comfortable in explaining their needs.
It’s drastically important that we retain female GPs in work as long as they are able, and any improvements practices can make, that will help and enable staff to stay in the profession they love, for longer, will benefit the NHS as a whole.
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